PiF Technologies

Learn how GSIL uses PiF’s Solutions

Granite State Independent Living (GSIL) is a 1000-employee nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote quality of life with independence for people with disabilities and seniors through advocacy, information, education, support, and transition services.

Business Challenge

Due to regulatory requirements, GSIL had a new hire packet that was 40+ forms long that would take hours to complete.

A lot of the information was redundant, and both the new hire as well as human resources had to fill it in multiple times. Time was wasted correcting errors and making copies for filing, and finding/auditing the information was tedious.

GSIL was getting complaints from consumers, workers and field coordinators so they decided to try an electronic forms & workflow solution.

Our Solution

PiF Technologies assisted GSIL in utilizing frevvo to digitize the New Hire workflow to use e-forms. We were able to automate the process in record time. Rather than print out a stack of paper for a new hire it’s all electronic. Key information is filled in once and all forms are automatically populated. Automatic validation ensures that errors and corrections are eliminated.

Once internal reviews are completed, the system can automatically print out the paperwork that needs to be hand-signed and notarized. Ultimately, the New Hire e-forms are uploaded to their document management system.

Working with PiF, GSIL plans to automate other areas of their business.

Learn more, check out our other posts!

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