PiF Technologies

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Electronic Forms

Industry-Specific Use Cases for Electronic Forms

Complete forms anytime, anywhere, from any device. Any paper form can easily become an Electronic Form. Physical forms are time-consuming and can lead to loss of data, efficiency, and profitability, and fillable PDFs aren’t much better. Using our Electronic Forms Solution,

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Distribution: What should I automate?

Do your processes measure up? If you’re still doing them manually, the answer is probably no. For distributors and wholesalers alike, workflow automation allows teams to refocus their time on high-value tasks to increase productivity and efficiency across the entire

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Manufacturing: What should I automate?

Workflow automation in a manufacturing company is learning how to help your teams “work smarter, not harder” refocusing their time on more productive, high-value tasks, and becoming more efficient. We work with hundreds of manufacturers across the country automating many

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Invest in Digital Solutions for Your Non-Profit

In the non-profit sector, employees are driven by dedication and passion. But, this passion can often lead to employee frustration if they begin to feel overwhelmed and overworked due to antiquated workflows and processes.  Many nonprofit employees are bogged down

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