PiF Technologies

Electronic Forms make new patient registration as easy as 1, 2, 3

Do you find that your staff is spending two or more hours with new clients to complete new patient paperwork, insurance information, and transfer of medical records? PiF Technologies can help your patients and your staff gain back their valuable time and make the most out of their day.

Electronic Forms can help.

When a prospective patient wants to establish care with your organization, what does the process look like? Among other things people use their internet for, 57% of people are accessing their healthcare virtually through online telehealth appointments with 45% using their cell phones for the visits.

This being said, your prospective patients are most-likely visiting your website first to find out how to become a patient, your hours, your services, and how to get in touch with you to register. Often, they may also be checking out your social media. Times are changing and within a virtual world, you must continue to evolve the ways you are reaching your patient audience to ensure they are receiving the information they need.

Instead of prospective patients inundating your call center with “new patient requests,” using a “new patient registration” form on your website would allow patients to begin the process themselves, alleviating the number of daily calls coming into your health center, and providing better care to your patients.

What are Electronic Forms?

Electronic Forms are electronic, digital forms that are dynamic and customizable based on use and need. Forms can be deployed with the ability to digitally sign, save, and submit with ease. Electronic Forms can be integrated with your existing workflows to ensure faster and more efficient processing across your organization.

Many healthcare nonprofits, Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), and hospitals allocate several hours a week to meet with prospective patients to assist them with enrolling in their services. This can include signing up for medical insurance, updating their medical history and records, and ensuring they have the resources they need to access healthcare with ease. 

Once your organization has taken on a new patient, your staff then needs to spend additional time manually entering the new patient’s information into your patient database and coordinating care for them. This process can lead to accidental manual entry errors like typos and juxtaposing letters or numbers, leading to inaccuracy in the patient’s medical files. In addition to potential mistakes, manual entry processes like these can take your staff away from other important tasks.

Expediting your workflows

Throughout the COVID-19 health crisis, people have been searching for virtual appointments and in turn, may need to reassess their current healthcare circumstances and find a new provider. 

Electronic forms are mobile-friendly and PC browser-friendly and can be easily completed anywhere, anytime. 

Online-based electronic forms can help speed up your workflows for new patients. Instead of having a patient come into your health center for an establishing care appointment and onboarding session, your health center can send them a URL to a HIPAA compliant, web-based form where they can enter all of their personal info, medical history, medical insurance information, and more. 

After receiving a submission on your new online patient registration form, a staff member can then send a quick email and link to the new patient informing them that their request has been received and to then instruct them to fill out the necessary establishing-care documentation to complete the process.  Or better yet, we can even help you set up an automated notification to take away the human element of manually responding to new patient inquiries. 

Now, your new patient’s data can be easily routed to your patient information database; eliminating the need for one of your staff members to spend mass amounts of time manually transferring the new patient’s data into the system. Just think, your team won’t have to decipher hard-to-read handwriting anymore! 

Board of Directors and Volunteers

FQHCs like yours know the importance of the board of directors and other volunteers and how essential their contributions are to the organization’s continued operation and success. 

How are you growing and maintaining your Board of Directors?

With several important criteria to meet and remain in compliance with the Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) and continue to receive federal funding, it is important that interested applicants for the Board are provided with an easy process to submit their application of interest.

PiF can help. By utilizing the same functionality you’d use to register new patients within your healthcare system, we can also help you attract and recruit new board members and volunteers. 

An online, web-based form on your web page can be easily accessed via a mobile device or desktop browser. If an interested individual is visiting your website, they can efficiently fill out a board applicant interest form. 

A popular option is to direct any form submissions to a specific email address; this could be your organization’s CEO or Board Chair. When a submission is received, the designated person will receive an email in their inbox with all of the information that was entered by the applicant. The designated individual can then choose to initiate contact with the applicant if they choose to move forward with an interview and application process. 

Attracting new board member applicants

If you are interested in recruiting new board members, this virtual web form can also be shared via URL to your social media accounts (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc) or within any stakeholder, community, or patient communications (newsletters, mailings, etc) to encourage interested people to apply.  

To take complete advantage of the online electronic forms software, we can also help you create additional forms, if necessary, to complete the onboarding process for approved board members. 

Human Resources - Onboarding and New Hire Electronic Forms

This software can also be used in a human resources department for onboarding and application submissions for open positions at your health center. 

In the same way we create a form for your board applicants, we can also create forms specific to your open job positions on your website. Hired applicants can then directly connect to onboarding-specific paperwork such as I-9, W-4, WOTC, 401K, Direct Deposit, and Benefits Elections. These forms require new hires to write out the same basic information over and over again. With online forms, we simplify the process and eliminate redundancy. 

Once data is entered once, the workflow remembers it and auto-fills the remaining forms. Each form gets filled out quicker and there is less margin for error. Also, employees simply e-sign their documents, meaning no printing, signing, and scanning necessary. 

Bonus Uses: Safe Entry, Remote Work, and Contact Tracing

In the time of COVID-19, it is important that organizations have protocols to protect their employees, patrons, and visitors. Electronic forms assist with this whether you’re in-office, remote, or something in between.

For remote employees, electronic forms can entirely replace paper forms and allow employees to complete them no matter where they’re working. They’re fully customizable, meaning no matter what forms you use, they can be transformed into electronic forms.

If you’re reentering your buildings and want a safe way to allow folks to enter your building, electronic forms have a solution for that as well.

Our sleek, QR-code based mobile-ready form allows anyone entering to answer these questions quickly and on their own devices.

It provides a simple, user-friendly experience while getting the in-depth information you need.

Once someone completes the survey, you can review their answers immediately and take action if necessary, while also gaining valuable knowledge for contact tracing purposes.

For businesses that require contact tracing, we have a simple forms solution as well. Eliminate shared pens and paper and further reduce the risk of contact. Simply have your customers complete the form to collect any relevant information, accessible via a QR code right at your entrance.

How PiF Technologies can help

We are experts in workflow automation, helping you achieve your goals for a year from now and ten years from now. We aren’t a one and done company, we will stick with you through the entire life-span of our products to ensure you are receiving the most out of your software. We are always here to help and want to see your organization succeed for years to come.

We are also constantly growing and finding new ways to help our customers overcome any workflow challenges they are facing. We’re celebrating 25 years of commitment to offering local sales, service, and support based in New England. 

We’d love to help you achieve your goals in 2021. Please drop us an email below and we’ll reach out to discuss your needs and how we can help. 

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